The West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre is proud to bring the first pride celebration to the West Island.
In collaboration with several community partners, the West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre will be holding the first ever West Island Pride celebration on Saturday, September 14*, 2024, in Edgewater Park, Pointe-Claire, Quebec. West Island Pride will run from 10:00am to 5:00pm and will feature both a community fair and a main stage of activities. At the community fair, attendees will find dozens of community organizations and independent vendors and artisans, and the main stage will feature children’s programming. panels, and performances from local talent. All these activities are free of charge, and there’s sure to be something for everybody at West Island Pride.
“West Island Pride is about celebrating our local community and unifying the community in love and support for our 2SLGBTQJA + friends, family, and neighbors. It’s an increasingly scary world out there for a lot of queer people with everything going on socially and politically, and so it’s important we make intentional spaces locally to celebrate and uplift the 2SLGBTQIA+ community here in the West Island” says David Hawkins, Executive Director, West Island LGBTQ2+. “Centre West Island Pride is made possible due to the contributions of a number of organizations, including the West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre, the West Island Community Resource Centre (CRC), Equipe Entreprises, Projet Nuances, Perspectives Communautaire Sante Mentale (PCSM), and Overture with the Arts.”

The West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre was founded in 2011 with the goal to fill a void in services for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in the West Island. The Centre currently hosts six (6) programs in-house which directly support hundreds of people every year, and provides educational services to thousands more.
Learn more at or follow the Centre at @LGBTQ2_Centre on Instagram.